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Living in Bradley Corner, Oregon

Bradley Corner, Oregon is a small town in Washington County, Oregon. It is a few miles west of Washington, approximately 2,353 miles or 3786 kilometers from Seattle. The town is home to approximately 6,000 residents. The area is known for its farming community and moderate climate. A large variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains are grown in the town. There are many small businesses in the city, including Tigard Coffee Roasters and Garden Home Market.

living in bradely corner tigard oregon

A typical household income is $52,122, and a family income of $61,499 per year. Males make an average of $43,304, while females make an average of $31,074. The population is mostly elderly, with approximately 5.30% of households being under the age of 18 and 8.30% under 65. There are many amenities in Tigard that will suit your needs if you’re interested to own a home.

Recent research found that Bradley Corner, Oregon, was safe. This small city is located approximately 3,786 miles away from Washington DC. A local police station is located on SW Hall Boulevard. A map of the surrounding area and the area shows that the community is well protected against crime.

According to the census, Bradley Corner had a $52,122 average household income and a $61,499 median family income. The median age of Bradley Corner residents was 31 years, with 8.30% of the population under 18. Almost half of the population was under the age of 18 and the same percentage was over 65. Do your research before you buy a house in Bradley Corner.

The median income in this area was $52,122, while the median family income was $61,499, with males earning a median of $43,304 and females earning $30,074. The median age of residents was between 18-65 years, with an average income that was similar to other nearby cities. This town is also well-served for public transportation.

The median income in Tigard is $52,122 per capita. A family’s median income is $61,499, and the median income of a household is $43,304. Despite the low cost of living, many people are still living in the city because they’re looking for a good job or are in the process of buying a home. This community is also rich in history, with many historical buildings resembling the historic home of a former railroad engineer.

As of 2016, the median household and family income was $52,122, with a median income of $31,074. Males earned $43,304 while females earned $31,074. Tigard’s median age was 65 years, and the average age was 8.30. These statistics suggest that the safety of this town is fairly high. However, many residents in the city of Tigard don’t want to live there.

The safety of living in this neighborhood has increased significantly in recent years. It’s easy to find a good place to buy a home in the town, but it’s also important to understand the neighborhood’s history and culture. This is an older neighborhood, so be careful. If you’re considering living in this part of Tigard, it’s best to research the neighborhood.

This neighborhood is located in Washington County, Oregon and offers families a unique environment. The median household income is $52,122, while the median family income is $61,499. This area has a large proportion of older residents, with 5.30% of them being over 65. Bradley Corner is a great place to raise your family. There are many great schools in the area.

If you live in Tigard, and want to move to another city or town, you can search for flights from nearby cities. The closest large city is Portland, with a population of over 200,000 people. The nearest airport is located approximately four hours away. You can also search for other cities near Tigard to find flights throughout the country. This area is ideal if you are looking to travel for a day.

Other Neighborhoods in Tigard, Oregon:

Metzger, Bull Mountain, Bradley Corner, Bonita

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